Ben bir yandan bu duyguları hissederken, bir yandan çok farklı bir şey gördüm. Densiz biri bir laf ediyor. Ama o laf değil, ben kendimi üzüyorum..O lafı yorumlayan ve o lafla ne yapacağıma karar veren ben değil miyim sonuçta? Niye biri böyle bir şey yaptı diye, kendi kendime zarar veriyorum ki?
Şöyle davransam nasıl olur: Densiz biri bir laf ediyor. Bu o kişiyle ilgili. Bu laf bana zarar veriyor mu? Etkileri bakımından? Yani, bir başkası bu lafı kaale alıp bana farklı davranıyor mu? Eğer cevap evetse, o zaman ben bunu düzeltmek için ne yapabilirim? Eğer cevap hayırsa, üstünde durmaya değer mi? Dosya bitti..Rafa kaldır..Bunun içine duygu iniş çıkışları katıp kendimi yormaya ne gerek var ki..
Üstelik bu son durumda lafı söyleyen kişi, konunun muhatabı bile değildi.
Öyle değil mi?
This weekend, while I was working someone spoke in an offhand. You know, it was like the expression being hit on the Achilles heel. I became sensitive like a child and felt sad about it. I directly turned inwards to observe what happened to me. Suddenly, I saw the wounded child within me..Working very hard, but not getting the wanted appreciation for it. And therefore feeling not good enough..At the same time, there is an another one, who due to the charming smile gets the appreciation I was longing for without doing anything significant. Causing a feeling of despair and 'whatever I do, I will never make it' feeling..Did you ever feel like this?
This time, while I was going through some stuff I had a different awareness.A tactless person says something. Not what he said, but I made myself sad. At the end of the day I am the one, who interpretes what he says and decides what to do with it..Why am I harming myself, just because somebody said something?
How would it be if I acted as following: someone speaks in an offhand. This is about that person. Is what he said harming me? I mean the effects of it..Is someone else acting differently to me according to those words?If the answer is yes, what can I do to correct this? If the answer is no, is it worth to spend time on it? File finished. Put it on the shelf. Why tire myself out with emotional ups and downs?
Besides the person who was untactfull, was not even the object of the issue.
Is it not worth trying?
With My love
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