28 Şubat 2012 Salı

Dr Franklin

ShinShiva is an ayurveda resort, where Dr Franklin comes for consulting..Dr. Franklin made the beach experience exciting, vigorous and rejuvenating by proposing and demonstrating Ayurvedic treatments to the initial travelers from Western Europe and US to the famed Kovalam beaches. This idea caught the fancy of elderly west European tourists season by season. Naturally when Kovalam beach developed new resorts Dr. Franklin's expertise came to be in great demand. There were repeat visits by tourists and consultations over the telephone after they returned home to Europe. Scores of beach resorts have utilized the services offered by Dr. Franklin, which became a catalyst for the entire tourism industry.
Awards and Accolades ::
Dr. Franklin was given " Tourism Man of the Year " award by the then US Consulate General Mr. Bernard J. Alter in March 2000. In 2006, he was adjudjed the best Ayurvedic Doctor and a special award was presented by Sri. A. K. Antony. Again in 2007, Dr. Franklin was awarded as " The Best Ayurvedic Doctor " by His Highness the Maharaja of Travancore.
With My Love
Shinshiva Dr. Franklin'in konsultasyon icin geldigi bir ayurveda beldesi.Dr. Franklin kumsal deneyimini; Kovalam sahillerine gelen Bati Avrupali, Amerikali yolculara Ayurveda terapilarinio tanitarak  heyecanli, hareketli ve genclestirici bir deneyime donusturdu. Yasi geckin Bati Avrupali turistler buna giderek daha fazla ragbet ettiler. Dogal olarak Kovalam sahili gelistikce ve yeni yerler acildikca Dr Franklin'in uzmanligina olan talep giderek artti. Turistler tekrar tekrar gelmeye basladi ve Avrupa'ya dondukten sonra telefonda danismaya devam ettiler..Bircok tatil beldesi Dr Franklin'in verdigi hizmetleri sundu. Bu turizm icin buyuk bir katalizor gorevi yapti...
Odul ve Unvanlari
Dr. Franklin 2000 yilinda ABD Baskonsolosu Bay Bernard J. Alter tarafindan 'En Iyi Turizmci' odulune layik goruldu. 2006 yilinda en iyi Ayurveda Doktoru unvanini aldi ve Sri. A.K. Antony tarafindan ozel bir odul verildi. 2007 Yilinda tekrar , Dr. Franklin " En Iyi Ayurveda Doktoru " unvanini Majesteleri  Travancore'nin Maharajasi tarafindan aldi..  .

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