25 Şubat 2012 Cumartesi


Hindistan`in Thiruvananathapuram adli havaalanina indim.Nasil bir isim..Her seferinde yardim aliyorum dogru iletmek icin..Havaalaninda bavulumu beklerken yuruyen banttan bavuldan cok siki siki sarmalanmis kutular geciyordu..Karli kis gunlerinden sonra birden kendimi daha sabah olmasina ragmen 24 C isida buldum..Bavulumu alip disari ciktim..Kocaman bir `Ayse` yazisiyla karsilandim..Sonra hossohbet bir Alman ile ayni araca bindirildim ve yola koyulduk..Ozlemisim buralari, bu temposu sakin ve kalbi buyuk insanlari..Bence bizden cok daha degerli bir seyleri kavramislar, kalplerine yerlestirmisler..
Sonra da yukaridaki fotograftan ozendigim shinshiva resort` a geldim. Fotografin eksigi yok, fazlasi var..
Burasi cook guzel..
I landed at the Thiruvananathapuram airport of India..What a name..Every time I ask for help in order to write it well..There were more boxes wrapped in nylon passing by then suitcases, while I was waiting for my luggage. After the days with snow I found myself in a warmth of 24C, although it was till morning time..Someone was waiting for me with a big `Ayse` sign. Afterwards I have been put in the same vehicle with a nice German and we departed.I have missed this place..This people with a calm tempo and big hearts..It looks like they have found some more valuable things then we did and put them in their hearts..Subsequently we arrived at the shinshiva resort, I have been admiring from the above foto..It is even more beautiful than the picture..
Wit My Love

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