21 Şubat 2013 Perşembe

5. Çakra- The Fifth Chakra

Rengi    : Açık Mavi
Mantrası    : Ham
Elementi    : Eter
Duyu    : Duyma
İlgili Organı    : Tiroid bezi, kulaklar
Taşı    : Turkuaz, Mavi Opal, Mavi Kuvars, Akuamarin, Azurit
Yağı    : Okaliptüs, Adaçayı yaprağı,   Frankincense 16 Yapraklı Lotus ile tasvir edilir.
Vishuddha çakra, Anahata çakrasından sonra gelir, 5.  temel çakradır.
İç salgı sisteminde bulunan tiroid bezlerini, boğazı, ses tellerini, yemek borusunu, boynu, omuzları, ağzı, dişleri ve diş etlerini kontrol eder.
Kendini ifade edebilme, iletişim ve yaratıcılığın merkezidir bu çakra. Buna dayanarak kendini bilme, doğruyu konuşma ve açık olabilme düzenli çalışan vishuddha çakranın bir göstergesi olduğunu söyleyebiliriz.
Vishuddha çakra düzenli çalıştığında yaratıcı oluruz, yapıcı iletişim kurarız, bilinçli bir şekilde dinleriz ve kendimizi pozitif ve akıcı bir şekilde ifade ederiz.
Duygusal anlamda karar verebilme yeteneğimiz, verdiğimiz kararın arkasında durabilme ve bu kararı dile getirebilme vishuddha çakranın psikolojik etkilerindendir.
Kendimizi ve başkalarını yargılamak, eleştirmek ve yalan söylemek bu çakranın dengesizliği durumunda görülebilecek sorunlardandır.
Aynı şekilde yeme ve içme alışkanlıklarında görülen aşırılık ve bağımlılıklar da bu çakranın dengesizliği sonucu ortaya çıkar.
Balık duruşu (matysasana), destekli mum duruşu (salamba sarvangasana), deve duruşu (ustrasana), köprü duruşu ( setu bandhasana) ve saban duruşu (halasana) vishuddha çakra için yapılabilecek duruşlardır.
Boğaz kilidi (jalandhara bandha) duruşların yanı sıra yapılabilecek dengeleyici çalışmalardandır.
Bu çakra aynı zamanda sesin, rüyaların ve saflığın sembolüdür. Bütün mucizevi olaylar, olağanüstü yetenekler de vishuddha çakranın bir parçasıdır.
Vishuddha çakra için yapılan meditasyon sakinlik, huzur, yaratıcılığı uyandırılması gibi etkenler kazandırır.
Beklen Dalgakıran




Our 5th chakra, Vishuddha, is an exciting and important chakra inasmuch as it starts the ascension up the ladder of the spiritual chakras.  
Vishuddha is primarily focused with communication, sound, creativity, vibration, self-expression and finding your 
voice.  When our 5
 chakra is closed, we are most likely feeling shy; fearful of expressing what we are truly feeling or 
want to say.  When our 5
 chakra is too open, we are so busy yakking away and making sure we get our “two cents 
in,” that we don’t even hear what the other person we’re talking to is saying.  However, if our 5
 chakra is balanced, 
we are able to express ourselves in a healthy manner, being true to ourselves, without conveying our message in an 
angry, aggressive manner. 
We’ve all had times wherein we experienced our 5
 chakra being open, closed and, hopefully, balanced.  For example, 
if your throat chakra is closed, you may be afraid to tell your spouse that you really detest the “artwork” they went out 
of their way to surprise you with for your birthday.  So instead of being truthful and trying to exchange it for a piece 
of artwork that you could look at and enjoy, you choose to cringe every time you walk by this piece of “art.”  On the 
other hand, if your throat chakra is too open, as your friend is trying to tell you all about his trip to Paris, you keep 
interjecting his words, excitedly telling him all about what YOU did when YOU went to Paris, thus not giving your 
friend the chance to share the joy of his time in Paris.  If, however, your throat chakra is balanced, as you are sitting 
having lunch with a colleague and brainstorming about different ways to land a new account, you would be fully
communicating – which means not only speaking, but also listening!  As Jane tells John about an idea she has, John is 
fully present in the conversation; he listens to Jane’s every word, watching her and not the clock on the wall to see 
how much more time is left on his lunch hour or to see if he knows anyone walking into the luncheonette where he is 
dining.  Then, in turn, John repeats what he heard Jane say and provides his feedback to Jane’s ideas, as Jane sits and 
fully listens, without feeling criticized by his feedback.  Communication is not just talking; it’s  also listening.  God 
created us with one mouth and two ears, which means we should listen twice as much as we speak.  Communication, 
in its purest form, is an artwork in and of itself.  It’s something that requires patience, practice and letting go of ego. 
Do you notice how certain people truly “walk their talk?”  This is because they are speaking truthfully from their 
heart.  They’re not just saying something to pacify someone at the moment; they are speaking genuinely, therefore, 
being true to their self.  Do you take notice if a person you’re speaking to is looking down while they speak, with their 
chin planted atop their chest?  Subconsciously, this is a way to “hide” their throat chakra, perhaps not confident 
enough to put their voice “out there,” which means they’re oftentimes not heard.  Furthermore, communication is also 
something seen visually.  Consider how often our facial expressions speak to others.  If a clown in  the circus 
approaches a child and the child begins to cry, although the child did not speak any words, the tears streaming down 
his face speak volumes of his fright.  Whereas another child may have a smile on his face from ear-to-ear as the clown 
approaches, alternatively speaking his emotions of happiness and excitement.  As you can see, communication truly is 
an art form.  When we communicate genuinely and with pure honesty, it is then that we are set free and able to 
experience a sense of peace.  Vishuddha, means purification, and its color is a pale blue, comparable to that of a peaceful Caribbean Ocean or 
heaven’s outstretched blue sky.  It is a peaceful color.  It is a combination of the color green, from our heart chakra, 
mixed together with the dark indigo blue from our third eye.  How apropos, since speaking comes from what we feel 
in our heart, as well as how we see and perceive with our third eye. 
Some physical signs that you need to focus on your throat chakra include, but are not limited to:  a sore throat, asthma, 
a stiff neck, TMJ, dental problems, thyroid problems, a raspy throat or ulcers in the mouth.  The ears and nose are also 
associated with Vishuddha.    
The element associated with Vishuddha is ether and its sound is HAM.  For those of you who like to incorporate 
crystals with your meditations, try using lapis lazuli,  turquoise, sodalite or aquamarine.  You can take steps to 
strengthen your throat chakra by chanting a mantra, singing or voicing affirmations.  

Some healing affirmations you may want to use to strengthen your throat chakra are:

I speak clearly and effectively.
I confidently speak my truth.
I express myself in a healthy manner.
I am free to speak from my heart.
I listen attentively to what those around me say.
I am worthy of being heard.


With My Love

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