OSHO (Yakınlık)
... How can you be against the opinion of the person next to you about him or her self ? That is his or her identity, his/ her ego..That person knows himself/ herself in this way. If you take it away, he/she will not know who he/she is? This is very risky, people can not give up their opinions that easy. They will prove; that they are not worth loving. The same is also valid about you. You hate yourself, you do not allow anyone to love you. Whenever someone comes to you with the energy of love, you shrink, you want to run away, you are afraid. You know very well, that you are not worth loving. You only look that beautiful, that good on the surface; in your depth you are ugly. And if you allow someone to love you, sooner or later they will get to know who you really are.....
OSHO (Intimacy)
With My Love
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